Deborah Wilkes FCIPD is CEO of Enable-HR International and based in the UK. She was introduced to Trina Sunday at Reimagine HR through their mutual colleague Dave Ulrich. Dave is known as the “father of modern HR” and “HR thought leader of the decade”.
Deborah and Trina are aligned in their passions for inspiring great HR through the enhancement and empowerment of HR’s capability, credibility and impact.
Together with her research lead George Naylor, Deborah recently published the Next Level HR Report 2022 that reveals the challenges faced by HR leaders and professionals and provides practical solutions and ideas that you can implement right now.
In this FREE webinar Trina invites Deborah to discuss themes from Enable-HR’s recent research where they surveyed more than 100 HR professionals from around the globe.
The top 5 themes that emerged were:
Mindset of business leaders
The history, culture, and closed minds of some business leaders get in the way of strategic and operational partnerships.
Resource issues in HR
Lack of time, staff, robust HR systems, together with a large workload, push HR people at all levels into transactional activity, leading to frustration regarding value-adding work.
Proving the value of HR
HR and business strategies are often not linked, and HR’s activities are hard to measure in business value terms.
HR’s ability to influence decisions
Influencing business strategy needs to happen early in the decision-making process and HR are often left out. Access to senior leaders can be limited.
Mindset of HR
Some HR people can hold old ideas about their value and emphasis. Confidence could be improved. The two agendas of business and people do not appear to be aligned.
Join Trina and Deborah as they explore the issues and solutions for HR from opposite sides of the globe.