We have a discussion about creating cultures within a workplace, and how important it is to have self-awareness when it comes to being an employee, at the executive level, a part of the crew, or employees out on site.

CEO and founder of Reimagine HR, Trina Sunday.
We have a discussion about creating cultures within a workplace, and how important it is to have self-awareness when it comes to being an employee, at the executive level, a part of the crew, or employees out on site.

We discuss in depth about what a toxic culture can look like, and the things that we can do to change them.

I loved how she coined the phrase, ‘a brilliant jerk’ discussing those people that we have all seen within a company, that hit KPIs but are a bit of a jerk.
We discuss what it will take as a leader to show bravery and courage to get rid of those brilliant jerks in your pursuit of creating an ideal culture within your company and your business.

We talk about the importance of each individual’s responsibility when it comes to creating good culture, and what changes you can make by seeing things that need to change and having the courage to action them.

If anything has triggered you in today’s episode or you are experiencing harassment.
Lifeline 13 11 14
DV Assists in some regional areas of WA
ANYTHING assault related please report to the police.

○ Becky Felstead website: https://www.beckyfelstead.com/

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○ Subscribe on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-resource/id1616745180

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